2025 Adventures

Last year my friend and fellow guide Tess decided that she was going to have a mini adventure every month. Her intention was to leave mainland Britain every single month, either for a few days or a longer holiday. She said that at times it was hard to organise it all, especially when work was busy - but that it was an incredibly worthwhile thing to do. It ensured that even when work was manic she took time out for herself - not always an easy thing to do.

I loved this idea but I’m not ready yet to do so many trips abroad. But I am up for some micro adventures!  As I already love camping and that is my main holiday each year, I thought it wouldn’t be too difficult to add in a little camping mini adventure every month. Except that also means January…..

The difficulty with camping in the winter is finding campsites which are open all year. Well, obviously that isn’t the ‘only’ difficulty - the weather might have something to do with it too! But I’m up for the challenge, as they say and ready to start planning….

If you want to know how I get on, just click on Categories at the top of the page and then click on Adventures. It will take you to all the posts related to my mini camping adventures!


A Walk on Rhossili Down


The Shape of Erddig